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A shout out to a great card dealer

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2008
I've been working on building a near mint 1971 baseball set for about 2 years now. I recently ordered 10 cards from a dealer Gar Miller Cards in Wenonah Nj. I tried using his website to order the cards. But, his site was acting up and wouldn't let me place the order. He's been trying to get his webmaster to fix the issues for a while with no luck. I called Tuesday afternoon about 3:00pm. I received the cards today. I said to him I'll pay by credit card. He says no. You can send me a check when you receive them. And that I could send back the cards I didn't care for. :D Wow ! I kept all 10 cards and was more than happy with the card condition and all. How many other dealers would do that ? Apparently he's an old school dealer who's been around since the 50's. Here's a topic about Gar Miller Cards from the Net54 vintage card forum. He only sells baseball cards up to 1980. https://www.net54baseball.com/showthread.php?p=1625460

I've been ordering cards from other dealers to finish this set with some success. I only have 50 cards to go. I only had problems with one dealer in Arizona. His site showed the front and back of the cards. I swear he did a bait and switch on me. I won't buy from him again.


Jan 19, 2010
What a different time it was when these guys really started to cement the hobby as we know it today. Would have been great to be in that position and old enough to participate. Love reading those stories of early hobby happenings. Imagine a hotel show where you toss a sheet over your table and return the next day!

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