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FCB Yankee Haters Age Poll

FCB Yankee Hater Age Poll

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Pine Tar

Active member
Mar 1, 2009
Wow you have up there 2 35's the 29-35 should have been 29-34 and then 35-40 like you have it. So there is a margin of error here.
so far you have 10 people that can be 35 and they are represented in 2 groups here. :lol:

And for the Record I voted in the 40+ range I'm a lot closer to 50 then 40 :p

Anthony K.

New member
Aug 7, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
I gladly wear my Yankee hate on my sleeves (just ask my Yankees fan buddy...I give him **** ALL the time).

I grew up hating them, thanks to my grandfather. He instilled it in me. Not to mention, watching them foil the Rangers shot at a WS in the 90's, the Mike Piazza led Mets in the Subway Series and buying up most of the league, it just adds to it.

Not to mention, I hate 80% of Yankees fans because they have no baseball knowledge other than "Jeter, ARod, *fill in the blank superstar* is the greatest or 27 rings".

Plus, they have some of the most epic ********** in the history of ********** (don't worry vwnut, you will be joining the ********* pantheon at the end of this year).


Sep 25, 2008
outside of Boston
I'm in the 40+ haters group. Been a Boston fan since day one. Really hated the Spankees after 78. That's 32 years of hatred. Pretty impressive. I do think that the Sox/Yanks rivalry is one of the best in all sports. I fully enjoy the abuse that is thrown to Yankee fans at Fenway. Most are not repeatable here without a suspension. :lol:


New member
Oct 9, 2010
I hate the Yankees only because of their fans. People like to bunch a large group of people together for convenience and usually it isn't valid. ie someone will take a team that they don't like and then say all their fans are ********, bandwagoners, whatever. It makes it easier to hate the team.

For me it is the opposite. I hate the fans and thusly the team.

I can say unequivocally and without an ounce of reservation that Yankee fans are, without a doubt, the most arrogant fans in all of sports. No team's fans even come close to what I have personally experienced.

Then again, I'm just a "hater" and you won't really care about my logic anyways.

You aren't a cocky fan, are you?


Jul 8, 2009
stof said:
I can say unequivocally and without an ounce of reservation that Yankee fans are, without a doubt, the most arrogant fans in all of sports. No team's fans even come close to what I have personally experienced.

Then you have never had the misfortune of speaking to a University of Kentucky Wildcats basketball fan. I envy you.

And....GO YANKS!


Active member
Aug 12, 2008
Goose Creek, SC
Have never liked the Yankees, never will. I did like Mattingly back in the day and pull for Gardner (local kid and I love his playing style) today. I respect Steinbrenner's desire to win and his willingness to make his team the best he could. I have never been a bandwagon jumper so I could never root for them as a kid.


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2008
Laguna Niguel, CA
I'm in the +40 group..

Growing up, I used to listen to Vin Scully and Joe Garigiola on the radio.. Someone from my high school played for the Dodgers (Cey), so that's why I listened to them and we didn't have the M's yet.. The local AAA club here in Tacoma were with the Twins in the early 70's, later the Yanks in 77' or 78'..

George would try and buy his championships, sometimes it would work, and sometimes it wouldn't.

We had a discussion at work last week (one guy is from Philly, one from Boston, and the others were from the NW) about George's impact on baseball..


New member
Jul 30, 2009
I guess I see things differently, but unless you are a Mets, Sox or Dodgers fan, I really cant understand why someone would dislike the Yanks so much.

Now, the only time I cant stand in pro sports are the Sox, but thats soley because they are "my" natural enemy eventhough they are similar to the Yanks in so many ways.

Do you dislike them because they win? But isnt that what every team in every sport sets out to do? So if they lost more often, you would like them?

Do you dislike them because they "buy" ::facepalm:: championships? Well last time I checked, thats not legal, moral or possible. They simply try to add the best possible players or players who "should" help the team. And as is proven from 2001-2008, no matter how much money is being spent it doesnt mean they will win it all. More proof? Ask Cubs, Dodger and Mets (the teams who spend the most) fans how the last twenty years have treated them and you cant forget all the sox teams before 2004.

Do you dislike them because they spend a lot of money? Well thats because you dont realize WHY they do that. The Yanks have rabid fans who support everything about them. They buy everything associated with the team. They are in perhaps the largest media market in the world. So the money pours in and the team does what SHOULD be done with it, spend it.
In other words, the fans support the team.

If they DONT spend the money (and pocket it instead), people will bitch about that. If they spend it (which they do), people bitch about that too. And its not like they ONLY spend lots of money on big name guys, they pour a lot into developing players from the islands.

Do you dislike them because the owners actually CARE about winning? How many owners would rather just pocket the money rather than investing it back into the team?

Do you dislike them because they have had great success with their farm system which has been a big reason why they have been so successful the last fifteen years? Look at the Twins, Rays, Giants as models of successful farm systems, or is your team like the Pirates who have only developed ONE star since Aramis Ramirez despite constantly having top of the draft pick selections?

Do you dislike them because of the "Bronx Zoo" fiasco? Well that was over 30 years ago, get over it and they are in no way, shape or form, like that today.


Active member
Feb 9, 2010
As a Red Sox fan, sure I get into the rivalry but to say I hate the Yankees is going to the extreme. Baseball is something for me to enjoy, not get my blood pressure up. BTW-Been a Red Sox fan since probably '86 when I first started actually paying attention though my first game I watched was probably around '81 when I was three.

My take at least, on the Sox/Yankee fans who say they truly "hate" the other are usually the bandwagon fans. I've sat out in the RF bleachers for Sox/Yankee games and had a great time with the Yankee fans around me. We were all longtime fans of the team who were there before they had their recent success. The ones that ruin it for everyone are the drunken bandwagon blowhards.


Active member
Dec 4, 2008
I am in the 35+ group and I have hated them since I can remember.

I love to see the people who say "I have been a Yankee fan since 19 (fill in the blank). I say, really?
You were a fan when they were between awful and pedestrian from 1982-1995?
I say, do you remember when Bobby Meacham was your SS? How about Eddie Whitson? Scott Kaminecki? Oh yeah, Butch Wynegar was your favorite player, right? It's a complete joke. Almost everyone became a "fan" in 1996 when Jeff Maier gifted them their first title.

Makes me sick. Just say that you are a bandwagon fan and always have been.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
My roommate was recently talking smack to me because "his" Yankees were in the postseason and my team was not.

Interestingly enough, my roommate is from Albuquerque, NM and has never been to New York. He is also a Lakers fan, Ohio State fan, and Cowboys fan.

There sure seems to be alot of these "fans" that root for the Yankees. I guess it is simply a result of their success but it just gives me more reason to dislike the team.


Active member
Dec 4, 2008
stof said:
My roommate was recently talking smack to me because "his" Yankees were in the postseason and my team was not.

Interestingly enough, my roommate is from Albuquerque, NM and has never been to New York. He is also a Lakers fan, Ohio State fan, and Cowboys fan.

There sure seems to be alot of these "fans" that root for the Yankees. I guess it is simply a result of their success but it just gives me more reason to dislike the team.

I too am a Cowboys fan as well as a Celtics and Bruins fan. My favorite college football team is The U, Miami Hurricanes.
As you can see I have been suffering for quite some time.
My affiliation for the Cowboys started around 1980 when I was 8. Up here in Maine, they always seemed to be the 4:00 game on Sundays. I loved the Big Star on the helmets and the open roofed stadium. Plus, when your head coach wears a fedora, you know he is the ballz. I was a huge Tony Dorsett fan. I loved the way he ran with such style and grace. Plus you had Robert Newhouse leading the way and had Drew Pearson, Doug Cosbie and Butch Johnson catching passes from the full time punter, Danny White. Anyway, I had to endure some lean years (1-15 Aikman's rookie season) but their games with the Niners in the early 90's were epic.

Now, only if they would can Wade Phillips....... :twisted:


Active member
Aug 20, 2008
stof said:
I hate the Yankees only because of their fans. People like to bunch a large group of people together for convenience and usually it isn't valid.

HAhHAHA congratulations, in a sea of dopes you floated to the top. So lets get this correct you hate their fans cause their fans lump everyone together? As you LUMP THEM ALL TOGETHER


Someone care to post the definition of irony for captain wah wah ?


Oct 8, 2010
I hate the Yankees (and prety much all of the large market teams - even if their management is too incompetent to put a winner on the field) but will admit it's not necessarily their fault. I hate the fact that the system is set up for them to be able to "buy" championships. I wish baseball was set up to have a more even playing field. I don't blame them a bit for spending their resources to field the best team they can. It would really be stupid of them not to. I get annoyed by Yankee fans that claim that "your team could spend too" ignoring the fact that even if they spent the extra $10 million they might be able to squeeze out of their profits, it just wouldn't even make a minor dent in the insane financial advantage the Yankees have. The Yankees outspend everybody but spend way less in terms of their perecentage of revenues than just about any team in baseball (the Yankees could afford to double their payroll if they had to, they just have no need to).
Yankee fans like to point out that their have been a number of champions in recent years that weren't the Yankees in an effort to validate an even playing field while ignoring the fact that most of these teams that have won have not been able to sustain this success because of financial issues. Why is it a birthright for the Yankees to make the postseason almost every year when fans of most teams realistically have to be happy making it once every 5 years (or never if you are a fan of the team I like). I also hate the Yankee fans that like to point out that their team isn't just a bunch of mercenaries, they were built through the draft. They seem to ignore the fact that only the Yankees could afford to keep the "Core 4" together. Hell, if money weren't an object, wouldn't the Royals have looked pretty good throughout the past decade with an outfield of Johnny Damon, Carlos Beltran, and Jermaine Dye?
I also hate the large market fans that want to make fun of me for being a Royals fan. They can't believe that I would root for a team that has sucked for the past 20 years.
I'm not a fan of bandwagon fans. I actually feel sorry for the true Yankee fans that have to put up with being grouped with the casual bandwagon Yankee fan.
I have some basic rules for fanhood. You're not a bandwagon Yankee fan (and are okay in my book) if any of the following apply:
* You live in the New York area (although don't forget, you don't have to be a Yankee fan, there are 29 other teams including a cross-town rival)
* You were born in the New York area
* Your father, mother, or grandparents (or even someone that you look up to) were Yankees fans (even if they were bandwagon fans, I can't blame you for liking something that they like)
* a local high school/college player that you follow ends up on the Yankees
* you actually feel like the Yankees are a part of your family and get physically sick when they lose (I don't wish this on anybody but if this happens to you, this shows a proper level of dedication)
* you started liking them as a young child and have been a die-hard fan since then (no bandwagon jumping to another team when they start to get good only to jump back after they start sucking)
If none of the above apply to you, pick a different team to follow -- the Yankees don't need your fanhood. Try following a local team, even if they suck. It's not as bad as it seems. The few Royals die-hards out there are as passionate as any fan of any team. You just need a sense of humor most of the time. Hell, there are even some advantages of following a losing team. How many of the Yankees do you get the opportunity to shoot the shat with after a game? Go to a Royals game and hang out by the players parking lot afterwards. If you don't get autographs (and some legitimate fan-interaction) from at least 6 or 7 players then it must've been raining that night. I've seen Billy Butler (future Yankee or Red Sox DH) hang out after the game for at least 30 minutes just standing around signing autographs and taking pictures with little kids (and older fans). He seems to do this at least once a homestand. Even though I average maybe 3 games a year (I live about 5-6 hours away), I've gotten autographs from virtually every Royals player over the past 5 years without having to pay for anything but a ticket (try saying that as a Yankee fan).


Active member
Oct 15, 2008
The Permian Basin
I don't "hate" the Yanks. I'm just not a big fan. I've been a Jays fan since '84, the Yankees were just another opponent back then (they kinda sucked as well). Without the Yanks there wouldn't be as much interest in baseball. Fans love to hate certain teams and the Yankees are one of those teams. Kinda like the old villains in the WWF that would really rile up the fans. It makes it more interesting when you have the "good guys" and "bad guys".


Active member
Jan 1, 2009
Been a Red Sox fan and a Yankee hater since the day I was born..The room I was born in actually had the Sox game on at the time :lol:
i appreciate the product the yankees put on the field and the fact that their ownership gives the coaches and fans every possible chance to win. i realize the sox are version 1.2 of the yankees but wish the red sox would make larger splashes in the free agent market than they do... no cameron, beltre, and scutaro do not count!


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2008
nyc3 said:
stof said:
I hate the Yankees only because of their fans. People like to bunch a large group of people together for convenience and usually it isn't valid.

HAhHAHA congratulations, in a sea of dopes you floated to the top. So lets get this correct you hate their fans cause their fans lump everyone together? As you LUMP THEM ALL TOGETHER


Someone care to post the definition of irony for captain wah wah ?

Hey, whiny overdefensive bitch, people hate the Yankees because of ********* like you

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