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  1. mouschi

    Cutting Up Valuable Autographs

    Howdy, FCB! It has been a loooong time. Much too long! So for about 10 years now, I've been creating custom cards for both my and other people's collections, while showing them here. I've had a blast doing it, but 2023 is the year I focused on it more than any year prior. I wanted to show a...
  2. mouschi

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the World's Tiniest Baseball Cards, Ever!

    So, apparently my latest article is too large to post here. Here is a link to some fun stuff if anyone is interested. Happy NYE, folks! https://tanmanbaseballfan.com/2022/12/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-and-the-tiniest-baseball-cards-ever.html
  3. mouschi

    109 Pictures of Customs, Nostalgia, Toys, and More! My Year in the Hobby So Far

    Hey guys! It has been a loooooong time since I have posted here. I was going to post my article in, but the site isn't letting me. Apparently there is a 10,000 character and 20 image limit per post. Instead, I'll post a link to my article on my site with a couple pics here of some of my...
  4. mouschi

    Atomic Superfractor! My latest custom utilizes Canseco's 1st ever mini Superfractor

    When Topps revived the Allen & Ginter name, they did a remarkable job staying true to the brand, while introducing some really, and I mean realllly cool cards. Metal, stained glass, silk, wood, glow in the dark, rip, framed/not-framed, etc. It seemed to be only a matter of time when Topps...
  5. mouschi

    1888 Yum Yum Tobacco – The 19th Century Evangelist & The Pirate

    You've probably heard of Old Judge, Gypsy Queen, Allen & Ginter, and Goodwin. But have you heard of Yum Yum Tobacco? If you are not a 19th century baseball card aficionado, the odds are you haven't. They are among the rarest of the rare, and perhaps possess one of the greatest names for a...
  6. mouschi

    Remember when Canseco shot himself in the finger? I created some customs using the bullets!

    “You know, it's funny,” Canseco said. “I didn't realize I had shot my own finger off. ... Canseco then attempted to minimize the blood loss by lifting the hand over his head and squeezing on his wrist. He went to find his fiancée and told her, “Listen, I'm sorry, but I just shot my finger off.”...
  7. mouschi

    Customs of Past & Present - When Wade Boggs Gets Involved, Things Get Interesting!

    A while back, I was doing some spring cleaning, and ran across these gems - they are believed to be my first ever custom cards! How'd I do? Apparently 12 year old Tanner left 41 year old Tanner an Easter egg that I didn't notice until now. Check the copyright on the Sosa LOL As the years...
  8. mouschi

    Pre-War Showdown: What's the most beautiful Iconic card ever?

    As the graphic states, I've run polls over the past month to determine what the general consensus was for most beautiful pre-war cards in various categories. These are the finalists! What do you consider to be the most beautiful iconic pre-war card ever? Please cast your vote, and feel free to...
  9. mouschi

    Show Off Your Display Setup! Here's Mine ...

    Over the past couple of years, I found that I enjoy displaying pieces of my collection in my office nearly as much as the pieces themselves! For the first time, I thought I'd show you my office in 360. This was inspired by the 11/07/21 podcast episode I just did last night at...
  10. mouschi

    O Bash Brother, Where Art Thou?

    Have you ever been in this situation before? You go on a collecting "purge" to move things you aren't in love with, only to find out you wished you never sold one or two of the pieces in the first place. That's what happened to me when I gave up what I now consider to be the ULTIMATE Bash...
  11. mouschi

    Show off your favorite Multi Player Card!

    If I had to pick my favorite dual card, I'd say it is this one. I lost out on it a couple years ago, then bought out the guy who beat me. I had never seen one before or since. Canseco and Clark were front and center for the Battle of the Bay (the 1989 Earthquake World Series) - it was a...
  12. mouschi

    My Honus Wagner Rookie Turns 122 Years Old Today!

    As we all know by now, the rightful spot of the #1 highest selling card once again belongs to a T206 Wagner which just sold for $6.6 million dollars. Days prior, Nicholas Cage sold his house for $6 million. It is amazing to think that someone paid more money for a little piece of cardboard...
  13. mouschi

    I Created Four Custom Jumbo Patch Cards for my Collection

    Recently, I was shown an amazing collection of jumbo patch cards of various players. I *LOVE* jumbo patch cards - the problem is that my favorite player doesn't have too terribly many of them, and far fewer logo jumbo patch cards. I thought I'd "go back to my roots" and create some cards of my...
  14. mouschi

    I Created a Custom Fingerprint Jose Canseco Baseball Card

    I've been wanting to do this for YEARS! Several months ago, a buddy of mine picked up a couple baseballs from Carlos, one of Jose's closest friends (a friend of mine as well). Much to my excitement, they had a a fingerprint on them in green ink of the 40-40 man. I've had the baseballs for...
  15. mouschi

    Unlocking an Easter Egg from 2011 Goodwin Using a 1/1 King Kelly

    In 2011, Upper Deck once again resurrected the 1888 Goodwin Champions name a second time to launch a new set in the same theme from its 123 year old predecessor. The King Kelly is known to many as the most beautiful baseball card from the 19th century, ever. It has been said that the artist used...
  16. mouschi

    How 19th Century Old Judge & Gypsy Queen Baseball Cards Were Made

    To me, searching for a baseball card = treasure hunting. Can you relate to that? For years, I've written about my treasure hunting finds - I would wait with bated breath for the release of the latest checklist to see if an exciting Canseco card was created. I would (and still do!) get super...
  17. mouschi

    Putting a 1911 T205 Gold Border Christy Mathewson Under a Microscope!

    I've always loved T206 white borders. The thought of having something to do with my favorite sport/hobby that predates both world wars was always intriguing to me. Plus, the T206s are the most famous sports cards in history. A tobacco card issue that has always been in the T206's shadow is the...
  18. mouschi

    New Pickup! Lou Gehrig Style ... Plus ... Customs!

    When I first started creating custom cards for my collection, it was mainly because Canseco wasn't found in some of the newer releases that I wished he had been included in. While creating new cards were fun, I also wanted to try my hand at recreating my favorite player on one of the most iconic...
  19. mouschi

    I've Acquired the ENTIRE 1919-21 W514 Set! Ruth, Shoeless Joe Jackson, Black Sox, & Customs!

    The 1919-21 W514 issue is a set of cards that has always intrigued me. There are a number of key cards, and fantastic stories! Being that the set is now 100+ years old, it also feels like history. Created right after World War 1, the simplistic artwork and low quality card stock serve as...
  20. mouschi

    The Diamond Cutting Stage - Customs, Pickups, and More!

    It has been a while since I've written, so I figured I'd write a little bit about what I've been up to! First, here are some customs I created: This Back to the Future jumbo was created using a signed index card from Lea Thompson. Here is a video showing it (along with Footloose and Roberto...

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