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Our Day at the Park

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2021
Sorry for the long read, but we had a blast!

So today, my son and I went to Allentown to see the Iron Pigs take on the Syracuse Mets. A friend offered his season tickets and parking pass for the day, so who could refuse a deal like that, lol. We got there as gates opened and went down to try to get autographs and scored big time. Missed some of the bigger guys, but my son ended up with 10 autographs on his mini helmet and was thrilled, and got this old photo signed by Josh Walker that we took two years ago or so that he was also thrilled about. Josh is a really cool dude and we will always root for him. Luke Ritter also signed for a bunch of us but missed my son and a bunch of kids. My son called out to him and he came back and signed for each and every kid he realized he missed. That was also really cool to see and another guy I’ll be rooting for to do well. (Hit well in the game also)
While we were getting our autographs a grounds crew guy came over and asked if the kids around me were mine. I pointed to my son and said he is and the guy said, would he like to help put in the bases? Boy he couldn’t have jumped fast enough at that! First time ever working grounds crew that I can remember, lol.
We got some drinks and sat in our appointed seats for a couple innings as the S-Mets jumped out to a big lead thanks to a first inning 3 run homer from Luke Voit (who didn’t sign for us, lol) A two run homer from Tomas Nido in the second and a 2 run homer from Carlos Cortes in the 3rd.
Now, I have to explain, I have a streak going from every game that we go to that I get my son a ball. I’m very loud, while being respectful, but I have a booming voice. I usually try to chat with the outfielders, first baseman, third baseman, base coaches, etc. basically anyone who could hook us up with a ball. I don’t even know how many games the streak is at, but we usually end up with a ball. We weren’t getting one in our club seats so we walked out to the centerfield grass which was relatively empty (it was camp day, most people there were camp groups in seats). We were pretty close to both Ronny Mauricio in left and Rafael Ortega in center. I was cheering both of them on and Ortega threw a ball out to some kids near us. I asked him if he could hook my son up next time and he acknowledged me and it seemed like he would. So we hung out, and watched the game, and at one point my son looked up at me and said, “this is fun, thanks for taking me to the game dad!” And holy $hit, any of you guys who are fathers should know, that absolutely melted my heart right there. If nothing else happened this day, that would have made it for me hands down. Well, the next time the S-Mets took the field Ortega did his warmup throws turned to me and threw me a perfect strike! Luckily I made the barehanded snag cuz I could feel the swarm of kids gathering behind me, and hear their sighs when they realized I caught it, Lol.
At that point it was drizzling a bit so I thanked Rafael and told him I appreciated him, and we started working our way toward cover a bit. Luckily we did, because as we ducked into a private section that was covered by tiki bar the drizzle turned to pouring which turned to torrential! They tarped the field and it was nuts! I’m pretty sure someone could have gone swimming in the warning track. After about a 30min delay the rain actually started to subside a bit, but everything was drenched and they cancelled the game, a 10-3 6 inning S-Mets victory! The icing on the cake!

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2021
Thanks if you’ve stuck around this far, here are the autographs I got at the game also…
Manager D!ck Scott and Pitching Coach Kyle Driscoll
Bench Coach JP Arencibia, who when my son asked him to come sign said ”you don’t want my autograph, I’m just a coach” and Logan wants anyone in a Mets uniform but doesn’t know JP from a hole in the ground says “of course I do, you’re a Met” and I replied “Don’t let him fool you, he was a heck of a player in his day also!
Josh Walker, Joey Lucchesi and Luke Ritter
Nick Meyer x 3
Eric Orze and Jimmy Yacabonis

Really wanted José Peraza and Michael Perez for the Mets collection, but Peraza didn’t sign that we saw, and I never actually saw Perez at all

Sent from my iPhone using Freedom Card Board mobile app

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