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Recent slab pickups / grading

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
@jmc855 855 nice :cool:

Some slabs from back in November 2022 not sure if I ever posted
Many sold many just shoved into my eBay store
Think November is when I went silent to handle health stuff

Jeff, how goes it?
What’s going on with BGS and PSA for turnaround times. Heard you have an order(s) really delayed. Hope you can get it resolved soon.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
Sorry George- been slow to respond as work has been low staffed due to lots of sick people, me making up lost time and training staff, and life being life

So of the 4 major players in grading ==>

PSA - quick once entered into their system. Use them of the top 4 if you need stuff back say within 3 months
Personally- I am behind by months just like every other PSA tier subber on poppages and on entries
As you are no doubt aware- cheaper pricing, longer wait times, but they come back in barrages

One thing I will recommend is high DPI scans pre-submission of your stuff in case of any claims
Seen lots of damaged items post sub from them that required CRC claims
Enough said there

BGS- nowhere near their publicly stated times- and I do mean nowhere near
Merely look at 9 of the first 10 posts on the below link
I am not employed there, so I couldn't care less the why behind it

I've not been active on message boards due to work/health lately, but you can get the picture reading the posts
I don't know whats going on there at BGS, and I'm not in a rush anyways, so I just go with the flow
I sit and wait like the rest of the people waiting months on end for my subs to pop

I can say I have BGS stuff that was "supposed" to pop in 20 business days now in the hundreds of days
It's called "busy season" and it is no surprise to me they are that far behind, despite being the least subbed
to company of the major 4 right now.

As for the NDA violator you sent me going on that Facebook rant- no comment

I do not sub to SGC -may try them on a few vintage items in the near future
I do like their slabs on the vintage stuff. Not fond of the new labels

I also have not used CGC/CSG, but I do have a close hobby friend who uses them for Pokemon and other TCG stuff. Says the slabs look great and bring out the cards. His opinion of course. Too new for me to pass a judgment call on them, and I don't know if I'll try a sub -- yet. Still deciding. I have seen the TCG stuff in their slabs and it does look nice The labels- well, needs some adjustment. I think all 4 major companies really have poor label choices


Some recent PSA slabs back. Put most in my eBay store
From a cheap Covid buy that cost me $25 delivered that I still have more to slab on
Already got my money back plus some on the buy


Active member
Sep 16, 2015
Last June I sent SGC 140+ T-206's plus another 10 pre 1970 cards. Subed them thru "Got Baseball Cards"
in Atlanta. Was supposed to be a 3 week turn around. Got them back in 11 days. Very happy with the results.
I will use them again. Not much price difference in commons that grade 3 or 4 between SGC and PSA.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
@WizardofOz1982 and @Tibor thanks for some personal experience feedback on them. It will take some time for me to gather what I want subbed there to SGC as stuff is spread over 2 states
More football and baseball back from the past couple months of bulks slowly returning. A couple pre-sold to my regulars off line, and a bunch on feebay, and in some now in my store


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
More scanned slabs back- lots were football that never made it back in season- oh well
The Leaf Cert were pack fresh from 2018 breaks. Soft corner on the Mac did it in grade wise- otherwise it was spot on
Mannings are from my QB stash over the years



Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
Also @WizardofOz1982 I am looking forward to seeing scans of your Musconi ( amongst others) from PSA

Back at the inventory stuff for a little bit now that I am feeling better
At the same time I am addressing some issues that haven't been looked at for quite a while that were on my plate

I sent a few stragglers to BGS recently I came across, and what came back was surprising
I consider myself a Playoff / DLP junkie, the same as Michael aka @magicpapa does with Upper Deck

I had the below item just sitting in my grading pile from the 2003 Playoff Portraits memorabilia series, so I sent it in
While I frankly didn't go hard core into collecting this series, instead just plucking items here and there, I do know the series.
Maybe not as intimately as many who did all the autos and jerseys. But enough I'm not an amateur

It came back " card coming apart"

Um- yeah. They were designed to be pulled apart- it's why its called the "PERSONAL TOUCH" series
Collectors are supposed to be able to pull the memorabilia or autos out. Authentic ones have verification
And a bunch of other facts about them I'm aware of

So I now have an email into the powers who be there at Beckett / BGS to discuss the situation
I sent in the below backup and some comments and hopefully the sharing of info will assist me to learn more
Just because it's "loose" doesn't mean it should be discounted or downgraded- or not slabbed in this case

And some more slabs from that series as well now scanned
I do have to locate more of my #141 Red Sox stuff and see about both # 15 Yanks and # 141 Red Sox samples & promos as well
I could swear I have a box full of stuff somewhere just haven't located it in the messes
Many of the Yanks versions are jersey # versions just worked out that way on eBay


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008

I like viewing the interests of others , and also expanding my own knowledge base
In particular- as I show off each sub-series of posts on these next few series, please by all means show me some of your own eye candy !!
If you could keep it just on that subset though ( I'll be going through them all) would be great

I'm posting these for my inventory girl so she should be happy and I'm a little more organized now on this subset
Of course I have more dupes to get rid of now but whatever

Gonna need to buckle the old racing 5 point seat belt on for this next series. It's big, has lots of players, and tons of stuff I need to locate. The 2003 LEAF LIMITED baseball series in my mind stands head above most DLP sets . Height of the cardboard craze back then. One of the sets that basically put it over the edge in popularity. Next to 2003 Leaf Certified Materials - one of my favorite all-time sets. Cracked nearly 50k worth of boxes back then of this - just loved the set. ROI was awesome could almost always make funds back on boxes. My mother in law didn't appreciate it so much , as I abused the credit card a little too much on this stuff and Leaf Certified

Unlike other series, this one was expensive, but it did come with perks. My dealer gave me a free promo pack that introduced the set to me. Inside it contained 5x7 cards that explain the sub series of cards, what they expected collectors to enjoy, and cool set and insert info
I always like referring back to them for the tidbits of info they contain. The dealer of course suckered me in by handing it to me free
I willingly played right into it as I knew Clemens had multiple items "planned" in this set and wanted to collect them
Also got a bunch of freebie individual boxes mailed from DLP as part of some program, so that was good as well

Info about the set can be found here 2003 LEAF LIMITED
Introductions will be provided by the DLP Promo set cards explaining each series, then I'll show what I have

There were no inserted promo cards per se inserted into any Beckett magazines based on the Beckett magazines promo card checklist I have. All

All I could find in my magazines so far was just a product review, no "by the box" that describes a box opening
I haven't located my June or November 2003 magazines, so if someone has theirs handy, check it for the "By the Box" 2003 Leaf Limited set break inside. They tend to have 5-7 pages of the box breaks in the magazines

First up is gonna be the Promo Set envelope and introduction to the set. It came in a plain black envelope, with DLP address on the upper left
Nothing else on the envelope except the Leaf limited Logo above that address. I took a picture of the only writing on the envelope
Clemens was in the majority of the subsets so I can show exemplars on most, but wasn't in Lumberjacks
I'll show my Garciaparra for those. Neither was in Lineups or 7th Inning Stretch, so maybe another player collector can show examples


Clemens had 3 BASE items in the set- # 45 ( Yankees-Home) , # 108 ( Red Sox) and #129 ( Yankees-Away)
He also had a bunch of the inserts associated with each

Once inside, the first two placards had a set introduction, then the Base set info and items

If you will take notice, a key visual mistake was made on many of these info placards. They show a Moniker on the BASE set placard
The placard back clearly describes base cards and the two spotlights and lists a who's who of the players involved
It should have shown either a Gold or Silver Spotlight exemplar, as that Base Moniker is later featured on the parallel sheet placard as being part of a separate sub-set Moniker parallel. Hence-- confusing advertising mistake never caught

Shown below are the 2003 LEAF LIMITED BASE , SILVER SPOTLIGHT and GOLD SPOTLIGHT items I have slabbed already

Notice that the placard base set placard above states " Attention Set Builders- only 249 Complete Base sets available"
Well - look at the box side below- so which one is it ? Is it 99 sets ?? or 249 sets like the information promo placard says ??
Or, looking at the Base Set introductory placard- is it only 25 complete sets possible because certain rookie spotlights were only # to 25?
Are they talking solely the base cards?? and not the spotlight base cards ???
It's enough to drive master base set builders and completists insane !! Another confusing advertising conundrum
ANYWAYS- All 3 base items and their base spotlight parallels are slabbed below
I also do have a dupe of the Gold Spotlight- his uniform # version

108- RED SOX


Jan 19, 2010
Also @WizardofOz1982 I am looking forward to seeing scans of your Musconi ( amongst others) from PSA

Back at the inventory stuff for a little bit now that I am feeling better
At the same time I am addressing some issues that haven't been looked at for quite a while that were on my plate

I sent a few stragglers to BGS recently I came across, and what came back was surprising
I consider myself a Playoff / DLP junkie, the same as Michael aka @magicpapa does with Upper Deck

I had the below item just sitting in my grading pile from the 2003 Playoff Portraits memorabilia series, so I sent it in
While I frankly didn't go hard core into collecting this series, instead just plucking items here and there, I do know the series.
Maybe not as intimately as many who did all the autos and jerseys. But enough I'm not an amateur

It came back " card coming apart"

Um- yeah. They were designed to be pulled apart- it's why its called the "PERSONAL TOUCH" series
Collectors are supposed to be able to pull the memorabilia or autos out. Authentic ones have verification
And a bunch of other facts about them I'm aware of

So I now have an email into the powers who be there at Beckett / BGS to discuss the situation
I sent in the below backup and some comments and hopefully the sharing of info will assist me to learn more
Just because it's "loose" doesn't mean it should be discounted or downgraded- or not slabbed in this case
View attachment 346371
View attachment 346372
There are your "experts" in action. That is a sad state of affairs that so many people trust the TPAs to the point where they won't buy anything that hasn't been reviewed, yet they clearly have people on their payrolls that don't know their asses from a hole in the ground!


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013

I like viewing the interests of others , and also expanding my own knowledge base
In particular- as I show off each sub-series of posts on these next few series, please by all means show me some of your own eye candy !!
If you could keep it just on that subset though ( I'll be going through them all) would be great

I'm posting these for my inventory girl so she should be happy and I'm a little more organized now on this subset
Of course I have more dupes to get rid of now but whatever

Gonna need to buckle the old racing 5 point seat belt on for this next series. It's big, has lots of players, and tons of stuff I need to locate. The 2003 LEAF LIMITED baseball series in my mind stands head above most DLP sets . Height of the cardboard craze back then. One of the sets that basically put it over the edge in popularity. Next to 2003 Leaf Certified Materials - one of my favorite all-time sets. Cracked nearly 50k worth of boxes back then of this - just loved the set. ROI was awesome could almost always make funds back on boxes. My mother in law didn't appreciate it so much , as I abused the credit card a little too much on this stuff and Leaf Certified

Unlike other series, this one was expensive, but it did come with perks. My dealer gave me a free promo pack that introduced the set to me. Inside it contained 5x7 cards that explain the sub series of cards, what they expected collectors to enjoy, and cool set and insert info
I always like referring back to them for the tidbits of info they contain. The dealer of course suckered me in by handing it to me free
I willingly played right into it as I knew Clemens had multiple items "planned" in this set and wanted to collect them
Also got a bunch of freebie individual boxes mailed from DLP as part of some program, so that was good as well

Info about the set can be found here 2003 LEAF LIMITED
Introductions will be provided by the DLP Promo set cards explaining each series, then I'll show what I have

There were no inserted promo cards per se inserted into any Beckett magazines based on the Beckett magazines promo card checklist I have. All

All I could find in my magazines so far was just a product review, no "by the box" that describes a box opening
I haven't located my June or November 2003 magazines, so if someone has theirs handy, check it for the "By the Box" 2003 Leaf Limited set break inside. They tend to have 5-7 pages of the box breaks in the magazines

First up is gonna be the Promo Set envelope and introduction to the set. It came in a plain black envelope, with DLP address on the upper left
Nothing else on the envelope except the Leaf limited Logo above that address. I took a picture of the only writing on the envelope
View attachment 346809
View attachment 346810
View attachment 346811
Clemens was in the majority of the subsets so I can show exemplars on most, but wasn't in Lumberjacks
I'll show my Garciaparra for those. Neither was in Lineups or 7th Inning Stretch, so maybe another player collector can show examples

View attachment 346812
View attachment 346813

Clemens had 3 BASE items in the set- # 45 ( Yankees-Home) , # 108 ( Red Sox) and #129 ( Yankees-Away)
He also had a bunch of the inserts associated with each

Once inside, the first two placards had a set introduction, then the Base set info and items

If you will take notice, a key visual mistake was made on many of these info placards. They show a Moniker on the BASE set placard
The placard back clearly describes base cards and the two spotlights and lists a who's who of the players involved
It should have shown either a Gold or Silver Spotlight exemplar, as that Base Moniker is later featured on the parallel sheet placard as being part of a separate sub-set Moniker parallel. Hence-- confusing advertising mistake never caught

Shown below are the 2003 LEAF LIMITED BASE , SILVER SPOTLIGHT and GOLD SPOTLIGHT items I have slabbed already

Notice that the placard base set placard above states " Attention Set Builders- only 249 Complete Base sets available"
Well - look at the box side below- so which one is it ? Is it 99 sets ?? or 249 sets like the information promo placard says ??
Or, looking at the Base Set introductory placard- is it only 25 complete sets possible because certain rookie spotlights were only # to 25?
Are they talking solely the base cards?? and not the spotlight base cards ???
It's enough to drive master base set builders and completists insane !! Another confusing advertising conundrum
View attachment 346814
ANYWAYS- All 3 base items and their base spotlight parallels are slabbed below
View attachment 346815
View attachment 346816
View attachment 346817
I also do have a dupe of the Gold Spotlight- his uniform # version
View attachment 346818

108- RED SOX
View attachment 346819
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View attachment 346824
Well played with the jersey # spotlightlight


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
There are your "experts" in action. That is a sad state of affairs that so many people trust the TPAs to the point where they won't buy anything that hasn't been reviewed, yet they clearly have people on their payrolls that don't know their asses from a hole in the ground!
Well played with the jersey # spotlightlight
@mrmopar - 99% of all the companies in the US struggle with talent- so TPG / TPA are not alone. Unless someone is working inside a grading or authentication room, I'm gonna guess they have no idea how difficult it is. It's up to collectors by the way to know their own stuff- not TPG or a TPA.

@jmc855 - like I said-buckle the seat belt :sneaky: Not showing all the jersey # items I have- trust me I accumulated a lot of unintended jersey pieces , because those were what people listed on feebay back in the day

The next few short posts are some of the subset posts of items
Many of these have very short prints, are rarely seen, and basically are locked away in many high end private collections. While I haven't searched Clemens in 7-8 years on feebay or anywhere else, they were rarely seen when I was looking daily back when

Currently up will be the JERSEY NUMBERS subset shown above

The info card picture is above, and below will be the card(s) themselves There were 3 types of items possible items in this subset. Clemens only had two cards in this set, one # to 100 for his own Jersey Number, and a Jersey Number Combo with Carlton Fisk # to 5
There was no Retired jersey number subset for Clemens ( his occurred in 2004 Leaf Limited with Warren Spahn)

Honestly I haven't looked hard the last 7-8 years , but I collect both players and never really saw a dual with Fisk when I was paying attention
Of course its numbered to 5 ,so maybe ones never appeared . Anyways would love to own one if it did appear
I have BGS registries of both players. Pic below then of the single Jersey Number item I own

Up next on the list of items is the LEATHER subset, which consists of two card subsets- the Leather and a Leather & Lace dual. These are on the ultra rare insert list of mine for Clemens.
One card # to 25, two numbered to just 10, and one # to just 5

Absolutely brutal to locate. I do know where some of the low # /10 are = with another collector, so at least I know they were produced. I have none of the Gold's and honestly I don't lose any sleep over it either they are that rare

One I have slabbed is below. Again I haven't searched recently in years for Clemens stuff so probably missed some on eBay. For some reason thought I had a # to 25 Leather slabbed, yet it was the Leather and Lace Dual /10- shows why inventory is so important

If James (@Donutme ) cares to, he will show his Leather and Leather/Lace haul

This particular LINEUPS subset has no Clemens or Garciaparra in it sadly :(
But it contains some awesome items including some low # rare button pieces
If you have anything from them- show it off !!


While Clemens was not in this next LUMBERJACKS subset, another player I collect - NOMAR GARCIAPARRA- was in them
I won't show all the ones I have ( because it's supposed to be a Clemens inventory) but will show a couple as examples
These are the Lumberjacks Black. I have more from this subset not yet slabbed


I may skip over to the Threads and TNT / Timber parallels first then do the other subsets last


Jan 19, 2010
@mrmopar - 99% of all the companies in the US struggle with talent- so TPG / TPA are not alone. Unless someone is working inside a grading or authentication room, I'm gonna guess they have no idea how difficult it is. It's up to collectors by the way to know their own stuff- not TPG or a TPA.
Going to have to disagree with you there. If I am PAYING someone to accurately identify and grade my card, THEY need to know what they are doing. As far as I know, the submitter doesn't identify the card for the TPA. If this is common with certain employees, then they need to be retrained or dismissed.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008

Now we have come to a magical part of the proceedings. I am going to switch over to the THREADS PARALLEL subsets as I have easier access than a few of the remaining subset items. This will still take a while , due to the sheer number of items requiring scanning

OK- # 45 Yankees ( Home Pinstripe Jsy) related items up first. This subset has some of the best items
Chief amongst them are the Threads Buttons, which form the basis of many a collection
I only had to worry about 5 variations on this subset, but it was not an easy task to complete

One is # to 100 ( Base Threads item)
Two are numbered to 25 (Threads Position and Threads Prime)
One numbered to 22 ( Threads Number)
And the Threads Buttons were numbered to just 6

So 4 of the 5 items are # 25 or less, and consider we were all fighting back when to own every one of them
The 4 items are currently readily available and most Clemens collectors have them

These buttons were $200+ each due to their numbering
I had to call in some help on a few that's how expensive it was
Names many may or may not know- Amy (aprimo- a high end Biggio gal), Roy Birchler ( Griffey guy) and many know Pinbreaker ( Kevin)

Please note the bottom of the info card. Says "Double Threads" items # to 25
Luckily Clemens has none , as his were Player Threads # to just 10 ( a separate sub series)

I did not go looking for jersey # items- they basically show up on eBay back then and I bought them as they appeared
I did buy 3-4 lots a major Clemens guy had accumulated all at once which had jersey #'s
THREADS BASE ( jersey #)

THREADS PRIME ( jersey #)


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
View attachment 346895
View attachment 346896

Now we have come to a magical part of the proceedings. I am going to switch over to the THREADS PARALLEL subsets as I have easier access than a few of the remaining subset items. This will still take a while , due to the sheer number of items requiring scanning

OK- # 45 Yankees ( Home Pinstripe Jsy) related items up first. This subset has some of the best items
Chief amongst them are the Threads Buttons, which form the basis of many a collection
I only had to worry about 5 variations on this subset, but it was not an easy task to complete

One is # to 100 ( Base Threads item)
Two are numbered to 25 (Threads Position and Threads Prime)
One numbered to 22 ( Threads Number)
And the Threads Buttons were numbered to just 6

So 4 of the 5 items are # 25 or less, and consider we were all fighting back when to own every one of them
The 4 items are currently readily available and most Clemens collectors have them

These buttons were $200+ each due to their numbering
I had to call in some help on a few that's how expensive it was
Names many may or may not know- Amy (aprimo- a high end Biggio gal), Roy Birchler ( Griffey guy) and many know Pinbreaker ( Kevin)

Please note the bottom of the info card. Says "Double Threads" items # to 25
Luckily Clemens has none , as his were Player Threads # to just 10 ( a separate sub series)

I did not go looking for jersey # items- they basically show up on eBay back then and I bought them as they appeared
I did buy 3-4 lots a major Clemens guy had accumulated all at once which had jersey #'s
THREADS BASE ( jersey #)

View attachment 346897
THREADS PRIME ( jersey #)
View attachment 346898
View attachment 346899
View attachment 346900
View attachment 346901
Nice button! We have the bookends covered, 6/6 here 1681216488865.png

Wish they got more of the stripe in the window of the piece. Could have moved it left a tiny bit.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
@jmc855 Jay nice button !!

The two Manning inserts and the Jeter are freshly slabbed and back from PSA
Tried twice now to gem the Jeter and twice now got PSA 9 back

The Murphy= I'm tired of waiting on PSA to run a re-slab special - the last one was 2+ years ago- its going
The Rolen- well he's in the Hall now, let someone else enjoy it's been held in my PC long enough
Teks are tough to Gem, so good luck folks if you sub any PSA is brutal on them
Helton's one of those players who are underappreciated I've been slabbing for personal reasons
Retirement beckons so yeah, another one someone in the next gen can enjoy

And this one is also going bye bye--enjoyed my near decade of ownership , time to allow the next gen to enjoy
Hopefully another high end Biggio person or a 1990's insert / set collector enjoys it
Pics been updated from the clear pic I had showed


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
I never saw the # 1/6 Button come up, nor many Red Sox buttons period
If any button does appear- yeah. It is one of just 2 remaining non 1/1 buttons I need
I paid well above market to own the other two LL buttons and I'll pay well above market to own the last Leaf Limited one I need
You own a Red Sox button card- I'm here waiting. Will pay the MOST of anyone- trust me
These sell $125 or so most times . I pay well above that (if its the #1/6 = yeah double it = depends on the numbering)

Again- a few of them are jersey number pieces purchased in the two large lots I bought way back when

THREADS NUMBER ( jersey # )
THREADS POSITION ( have a dupe slabbed)

THREADS PRIME ( jersey #)



Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
Last up will be the #129 YANKEES AWAY ( Grey Jersey) items.
Bunch more jersey # items and I do need to find a grade-able prime version ,otherwise done here on the threads
Not too difficult to finish just expensive when the buttons are involved
THREADS PRIME- ( love how this has a button hole)

DUPES ( the Prime piece was damaged)


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
Last up will be the #129 YANKEES AWAY ( Grey Jersey) items.
Bunch more jersey # items and I do need to find a grade-able prime version ,otherwise done here on the threads
Not too difficult to finish just expensive when the buttons are involved
View attachment 346984
View attachment 346985
View attachment 346986
THREADS PRIME- ( love how this has a button hole)
View attachment 346987

View attachment 346988
DUPES ( the Prime piece was damaged)
View attachment 346989
View attachment 346990
Love the 21/22 card

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