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How to Achieve Your Hobby Goals (And More!)

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Featured Contributor, Bridging the Gap, Senior Mem
May 18, 2012
Last night, I talked over the importance of goal setting with my son. Being 12 years old (him, not me) it may seem a little young to do this, but that is what my parents did with me. My son wants to create a video game, but this is very applicable to collecting as well.

The first time I set a goal was when i was 12 years old. I wanted to buy 25 T-206 tobacco cards. Using the formula below, I was able to accomplish this - quite a huge accomplishment for a kid! This formula has stuck with me ever since, and is from Zig Ziglar. I also use other techniques as well to continue pushing forward toward what I want to accomplish.

Hopefully this will help some of you out in achieving your goals as well!

1) State the Goal
A goal not written down is not a goal at all ... it is just a dream! Things get real when you write things down. There is something psychological that happens once pen is put to paper. Make sure you are specific about it as well.

For example:

"I want to have an awesome baseball card collection"

is not specific! Try this:

"I want to have 10 PSA graded gem mint rookies of meaningful players in my collection."

2) Set a Deadline
Writing down your goal is not enough. If you want to realize your dream, you must set a deadline, or it likely will never start.

For our 10 PSA graded gem mint rookies, you might put the deadline at the end of Summer - September 22, 2015.

At the writing of this article, the great thing about this is that you can now begin to identify what needs to happen within this time for this to happen! September 22 means you have about 15 weeks, or 105 days to reach your goal. It is important to note to NOT be afraid to extend the deadline. Many get frustrated with this, and shut down if they miss a deadline. Just keep going!

3) Identify the Obstacles
"Nothing in life worth having is free". Your goal is a goal for a reason - there are obstacles to get to what you want! Don't ignore them - identify them.

For finding your 10 PSA graded gem mint rookies, your obstacles could be:
- Finding them
- Getting the money together for them
- Dealing with your wife when she things you have gone bananas because you want to drop so much money on pieces of cardboard like a nerd.

4) Identify the People, Groups and Organizations who can Assist
There is a saying: "Travel alone, and you will get there fast. Travel together, and you will go far." Sometimes, we all need help on things. Who / what can help you? What tools? What websites?

Ebay and COMC are great places to find cards you want. The forums are also a great tool, because not only can you buy cards, you can also network with other collectors and share your goal! Try doing this kind of networking 15 years ago - it would have been insanely difficult.

5) List the Benefits of Achieving the Goal
Ask: "What's in it for me?" Never lose sight of why you are working toward your goal! If you cannot come up with a compelling list as to what the benefits are, perhaps you need to pull the plug. Life is short - make the most of your time.

For the 10 PSA graded gem mint cards, you will probably easily be able to write out a laundry list of benefits:

- They will be the center piece of the collection I love so much.
- My friends. family and fellow collectors will be impressed with such fine specimens of cardboard.
- I LOVE showing off new cards on the forums, and would be able to do that with these.
- The chicks will be swarming me because of these cards.

6) List the Skills you need to Acquire to Obtain this Goal
This isn't too terribly applicable for this goal, but one skill you may need is a good working understanding of the value of what cards you want! You want your purchases to be smart, so don't just blindly throw $500 on that beautiful 1991 Fleer Ultra Phil Plantier you have your eye on.

7) Develop a Plan
This is where the rubber meets the road. You have identified your goal, set a deadline, identified the obstacles and who to work with. You have listed the benefits of achieving the goal and listed the skills needed to obtain this goal.

You now have all the tools needed to make a plan - write it down! This is the "HOW". Setup mini goals / check points for yourself. In our example goal, we have 15 weeks to get the 10 psa graded cards. The plan could be to:

- Identify the 10 cards you want (and perhaps 10 alternates if something else catches your eye instead.)
- Determine how much each should cost.
- Develop a plan to get the money needed (or adjust the goal / go for other cards that might be more attainable.)
- Start hitting the online websites and look!

As it has been said before, it is VERY simple, but it may not be easy. Virtually any goal can be achieved, so put this list to work, and remember - if you don't see success 100%, you will still be a lot further along than if you hadn't tried for it!

A few notes that I feel I should share about this:

1) Any goal worth going for should not negatively affect anyone. If it is going to take away precious time with your family, or cause a rift between you and close friends, then consider doing something else. This should be a positive experience - a change for the better.

2) Review your goal every morning when you wake up and every night when you go to bed. Try your hardest to do something ... anything EVERY DAY to make progress.

So, that is it for now! I'm looking forward to hearing from YOU! What are your goals?


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
If only there were such a job as "Baseball Card Collection Project Manager", this could be the job description.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nate Colbert 17

Active member
Aug 10, 2008

This is informative, but your Canseco trip post was better. (...although that one was probably one of the best in the history of the FCB.) :)


Featured Contributor, Bridging the Gap, Senior Mem
May 18, 2012
Lol! Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be able to top that one


Active member
Aug 7, 2008
Yeah, and the only problem is your note #1 . It's always going to take time away from your family. That's my biggest gripe. I get home and look at Bagwells or make checklists for my sets and next thing I know I look up and see it's time for bed already. I can't do this every night but if o sit down to do it, I can pretty much kiss that night goodbye. And trying to break it up doesn't work well. At least not for the organization of lists and cards. Not when you're getting a new influx daily.


Featured Contributor, Bridging the Gap, Senior Mem
May 18, 2012
Yeah, and the only problem is your note #1 . It's always going to take time away from your family. That's my biggest gripe. I get home and look at Bagwells or make checklists for my sets and next thing I know I look up and see it's time for bed already. I can't do this every night but if o sit down to do it, I can pretty much kiss that night goodbye. And trying to break it up doesn't work well. At least not for the organization of lists and cards. Not when you're getting a new influx daily.

It is surely hard to find a balance. I guess everyone needs some "me" time, so the important thing would be to use that me time to accomplish the goal, and not have it run over much for the family time. It is definitely a balancing act for sure!


Active member
Aug 7, 2008
It is surely hard to find a balance. I guess everyone needs some "me" time, so the important thing would be to use that me time to accomplish the goal, and not have it run over much for the family time. It is definitely a balancing act for sure!

I work a lot so the little time I have is precious. I love fooling with my hobby but sometimes I look back and think "Damn, I could have used that time for something else!". I guess there's just always something to do. Feel like I'm always busy! Lol!😄 this is supposed to be fun! Not stressful!


Featured Contributor, Bridging the Gap, Senior Mem
May 18, 2012
I work a lot so the little time I have is precious. I love fooling with my hobby but sometimes I look back and think "Damn, I could have used that time for something else!". I guess there's just always something to do. Feel like I'm always busy! Lol! this is supposed to be fun! Not stressful!

You know, it is funny - when I was a teenager and had no money, I DREAMED of getting an IROC. I worked for a year, saved up and got it. It was all I could think about! I printed a picture out and put it in my cubicle. Man, I loved that thing. I still wasn't making much money, but all I could think of ... ALL I could think of was how to make it faster. I didn't have the financial means to do so.

Then, the scales tipped on the other end. Here I had my IROC and money to modify it how I wanted but it simply wasn't important anymore because I didn't have much time anyway, due to work. I remember specifically one time taking out the dog (this was about 12 years ago) looking at that beauty of a beast car I had, saying dang ... so fly. LOL But realizing COOL! I can modify it, but .... why? It is funny how things change, and priorities shift during different seasons of our lives!


Active member
Aug 30, 2011
Easier said than done my goals I want I will have to be a millionaire to achieve. The 1996 Mirror Gold Jeter alone will cost me $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 depending on condition. That's just one of many on my want list and most will cost me at a minimum of $500.00 each. I spent $300.00 on a marble because it was a needed item. With out counting Jeter's 1 of 1's from 1997 I will probably still need about $20,000.00 to $25,000.00 to get them all. So it's hard to set goals but what I shoot for is get the cheap cards on trades or auctions where the price I can't pass up and save for some of the more expensive cards. With being at a little over 500 cards left and 148 being a Topps Tek Diffractor or Topps Tek Gold it's all about the listings and getting lucky on some of them. That's also why I stopped at 1999 everything else will be too expensive maybe I will try if I hit the lottery one day.


Active member
Aug 30, 2011
I might be able to get the Mirror Gold but that will not be while I am in the Navy as that retirement check will go for saving for those rare cards in 2 years. I know where quite a few are it's just the money I will need to buy it. I figure to knock down the list as much as possible and then save for the rare cards that don't get listed often if they do get listed and I lose I figure out who bought it and talk with them and keep tabs as one day I might be able to buy it from them. My goal for this year is to be under 450 Jeter items needed so that will be 55 items this year left but I normally over achieve which is a positive. Next year I will see where I am and set a goal for June as I go in 6 moth increments. Right now I am pressing on some of the 1997 cards but I will grab some 1998 and 1999 cards if the price is right.

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